Copyright 2013. T.Kear Transportation Planning & Management Inc.. All rights reserved.

T. Kear Transportation Planning and Management, Inc.
was founded in 2013 by experts with 20 years of experience in their respective fields.  Our staff have extensive experience working with the Federal Highway Administration, Caltrans, metropolitan planning organizations, and counties and cities throughout California.  T. Kear has been at the forefront of some of the most substantial projects in Northern California including the traffic analysis for the Railyards redevelopment project in Sacramento and the Alameda/Contra-Costa Transit East Bay Bus Rapid Transit traffic impact analysis.
T. Kear supports clients in in all aspects of traffic studies, feasibility studies, and CEQA/NEPA environmental clearance.  Resources include: SYNCHRO, SimTraffic, CUBE, HCS, CORSIM and ArcGIS software coupled with an extensive technical library.  We are the only small local firm that integrates traffic forecasting and traffic impact analysis, enabling smooth project coordination and fast delivery. 
T. Kear has expertise in modeling emissions from transportation plans, programs, and projects for transportation conformity determinations, development of State Implementation Plans, and NEPA/CEQA compliance. We offer modeling support using MOVES, EMFAC, CalLINE4, Cal3QHC(/r), AERMOD and related tools, and can address all aspects of transportation air quality planning and policy.